Knowing God

June - august 2024

Once again, we offer a book study through J.I. Packer’s classic, Knowing God.  This is an excellent survey of all the various ways the Lord reveals himself in his Word – characteristics that we know of – his attributes of love, truth, goodness, wisdom, etc. examined in an in-depth and helpful way to each of our own lives and relationships with him.  Join us for this three-part study this summer and learn to know the Lord, to behold your God, and to experience his covenant faithfulness to you.  Be sure to sign up so that we can provide you with your own copy.

Pastor Kurt Scharping, Mr. Bob Brown, and Mr. Todd Walker

The Lord's Prayer


The Lord Jesus, himself, gave us a perfect model for prayer during his Sermon on the Mount.  But how often do we think of our own prayer life as something that we must give attention to and even something in which we must grow?  We pray so often for our own needs and wants but is prayer to be more like worship?  How do we do that?  How do we teach our children to grow in their own prayer life?  It is always good to examine the Scriptures for this and we hope you will join us.  Be sure to sign up so that we can provide you with any textbook we choose to employ.

Ruling Elder Leu Beach