Children's & Youth Sunday School

Sunday mornings, 9:30 AM

Walking to Age 3 - Bible stories and First Catechism. Babies with parents welcome.

Pre-K - GOD'S FAMILY - Beginning the line of promise Adam through Joseph.

Kindergarten-Grade 1 - GOD CREATED ALL THINGS - Discover the Creator through his Word and his creation.

Grades 2-3 - LIVING TOGETHER - God and his people; stories from Genesis.

Grades 4-5 - 1 SAMUEL TO ESTHER - God established an everlasting kingdom through King David and his descendants.

Grades 6-8 - Studying (and reading through) the gospels.

Grades 9-12 - Studying (and reading through) the prophets.

Adult Christian Education

Sunday mornings, 9:30 AM

Inquirer's Class

This class is designed for anyone who would "like to know more" about the basics of the Christian faith, especially in a forum that would allow for questions and answers. Also, if you are interested in applying for membership at New Covenant, you should plan on attending this class.

Christian Education Hour, 9:30 am

Dr. David G. Barker & RE Leu Beach

beginning September 10

The Life and Letters of the Apostle Paul

The Apostle Paul, apart from the Triune God Himself, is the most major player in the New Testament. His mission work was expansive, progressing to Rome itself. His ministry to the Gentiles was revolutionary. His writing of so many epistles of the New Testament requires our attention. Over half of the book of Acts follows his work. so it is only right that we give some attention to his life and work in this class.

Christian Education Hour, 9:30 am

Rev. Kurt Scharping

beginning September 10

Weekday Ministries for all ages

Our ministries are geared to different age groups for the purpose of learning God's Word and growing the mind and spirit towards the image of Christ.  Our ministry groups are largely led and staffed by laypeople who gather with others in areas of common interest.  You are most welcome to join us in the ministries offered below:

  • youth ministries

    High School Girls Bible Study

    Philippians Bible Study for high school girls meeting at 7:00 pm on the first Thursday of each month at Stacey B.'s home.

  • Women's Ministries

    Ladies Prayer Circle

    Every Tuesday morning from 10:00 - 11:30 am, NCPC is supported in prayer by faithful women who join together to approach the throne of grace boldly on behalf of the community. This group is led by Ginny F. in the conference room.

    Moms Group

    Meets every other Tuesday from 10:00 am - 12 noon. For new moms and seasoned moms to fellowship and share encouragement with one another.

  • Men's Ministries