Worship Series for Lord's Day mornings and evenings

  • morning worship series

    A perfect guide to the christian life - paul's letter to the church at ephesus

    The letter to the Ephesians is much shorter than Paul's epic work, the book of Romans, however, it is nothing if it is not a distilled and wonderful version of the doctrines of and applications for the life of the Christian. This fall, we will continue out examination of Paul's writing in order to glean Paul's inspired direction and encouragement for us today.

    Dr. David G. Barker

  • evening worship series

    the gospel according to moses

    The book of Exodus describes how the Lord provides His people a way out of slavery to the world and a way into an intimate relationship with Him. In light of the New Testament we konw that Jesus is our exodus, our way out and our way in. Join us on Sunday evenings as we trace the gospel story through the Exodus story on this sermon series.

    Rev. Nicholas Hathaway

  • Inquirer's class

    led by dr. david g. barker and  RE LEU BEACH

    lord's day mornings, at 9:30 am, at ncpc

    This class is designed for anyone who would "like to know more" about the basics of the Christian faith, especially in a forum that would allow for questions and answers. Also, if you are interested in applying for membership at New Covenant, you should plan on attending this class.

  • the life and letters of the apostle paul

    led by rev. kurt scharping

    lord's day mornings, at 9:30 am, at ncpc

    The apostle Paul, apart from the Triune God Himself, is the most major player in the New Testament. His mission work was expansive, progressing to Rome itself. His ministry to the Gentiles was revolutionary. His writing of so many epistles of the New Testament requires our attention. Over half of the book of Acts follows his work. So it is only right that we give some attention to his life and work in this class.